Cannevi / States Assembly

Cannabis and the States Assembly

Propositions on Cannabis

Questions Relating to Cannabis

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  • Attorney General
  • Chair of the States Employment Board
  • Chief Minister
  • Minister for Economic Development
  • Minister for the Environment
  • Minister for Health & Social Services
  • Minister for Infrastructure
  • Minister for Justice & Home Affairs
  • Minister for Treasury & Resources
  1. 3rd November 2009 – The treatment of the users of so-called 'legal highs' in the U.K.
    Oral Question by Deputy Kevin Lewis asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • Further to news that Guernsey's Health Department has spent £400,000 so far this year sending users of so-called legal highs to the U.K. for treatment, most of which are under the age of 18, will the Minister inform Members how much, if any, is spent in Jersey on the treatment of such users?
  2. 19th January 2010 – How and why reducing sentencing for importing drugs will help alleviate Jersey's drug problem
    Written Question by Deputy Trevor Pitman asking the Minister for Home Affairs:
    • Will the Minister clarify how and why reducing sentencing for individuals convicted of importing drugs into the Island will help alleviate Jersey's drug problem and advise what evidence he has to support such a proposal?
  3. 26th June 2012 – Number of inmates at H.M.P. La Moye serving sentences for drug related offences
    Written Question tabled by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Home Affairs:
    • What is the total number of inmates at H.M.P. La Moye, as at the week commencing 25th June 2012?
    • What number and percentage of those inmates are serving sentences relating to the possession, circulation and importation of drugs?
    • What percentage of these are Cannabis related?
    • What is the average daily cost of keeping a prisoner at H.M.P. La Moye?
  4. 10th July 2012 – Total court costs associated with drug offences in 2011
    Written Question tabled by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Attorney General:
    • What were the total court costs incurred from the prosecution of drug offences in 2011?
    • What was the breakdown for cannabis related offences and for other drug offences?
    • What money, if any, was recovered from these offences and paid into the Criminal Offences Confiscation Fund and what was the net difference between cost incurred and funds seized?
  5. 18th March 2014 – The importation of cannabis for medicinal use including supplementary questions
    Oral Question by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • Will the Minister confirm whether her department has been approached by any individual with a view to importing cannabis for medicinal use and, if so, what steps would be necessary to enable G.P.s (general practitioners) to import and prescribe cannabis for medicinal use to their patients?
  6. 1st April 2014 – Importation and possession of cannabis for medicinal use including supplementary questions
    Oral Question by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Attorney General:
    • Will H.M. Attorney General clarify whether the importation and possession of cannabis for medicinal use would be possible under the provisions of the Misuse of Drugs (Jersey) Law 1978 and, in particular, whether the Minister for Health and Social Services has the power to issue a licence allowing possession of cannabis for medicinal use?
  7. 17th November 2015 – Implications of a decision of Mexico's Supreme Court regarding access to cannabis
    Oral Question by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Attorney General:
    • Following the recent decision of Mexico's Supreme Court that access to cannabis is a fundamental human right, what implications does this have for Jersey, if any, and what is the likelihood of such a test case precipitating a similar decision in Jersey?
  8. 19th January 2016 – Arrests for possession of cannabis
    Written Question tabled by Deputy Sam Mézec asking the Minister for Home Affairs:
    • In 2015, how many people were arrested for possession of small amounts of cannabis?
    • How many of these led to convictions and how many of those were sentenced to a custodial sentence?
  9. 12thApril 2016 – Cannabis possession
    Written Question tabled by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Home Affairs:
    • Will the Minister state–
      1. how many individuals have been cautioned for Cannabis possession in the past 5 years;
      2. how many of those were prosecuted, and
      3. what the outcome of the prosecutions were; including, in each case, how many of those individuals claimed to be 'medicinal users'?
    • What has the estimated cost been, over the last five years, for dealing with Cannabis enforcement, including Police time, Customs, Crown Officers, Court costs and prison accommodation?
  10. 12thApril 2016 – Harm reduction as the key focus of Jersey's drugs policy
    Oral Question by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Home Affairs:
    • Does the Minister consider that the primary focus of Jersey's drugs policy should be harm reduction and, if so, what action, if any, is being taken in this regard in the Island?
  11. 13th September 2016 – The prosecution of people claiming to be medical users of cannabis
    Written Question tabled by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Attorney General:
    • Will H.M. Attorney General state how many people claiming to be medicinal users of cannabis were prosecuted in 2015, if any?
    • What were the sentences in such cases and what was the total known cost of those cases?
  12. 23rd May 2017 – Whether he would require the Medical Officer of Health to issue an apology and correction following a statement to BBC Radio Jersey in relation to Cannabis the Evidence of Medical Use
    Oral Question by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • Given the contents of Cannabis: the Evidence for Medical Use(in particular pages 31 to 33), will the Minister require the Medical Officer of Health to issue an apology and a correction following the Medical Officer's statement to BBC Radio Jersey on 3rd May 2017 that: "There is no evidence [in the Barnes Report] that smoked cannabis is effective"?
  13. 6th June 2017 – Whether any changes were under consideration to the Island's drugs policy following the publication of 'Cannabis: the Evidence for medical Use' (known as the 'Barnes Report')
    Oral Question by Deputy Louise Doublet asking the Minister for Home Affairs:
    • In the light of recent changes in other jurisdictions and following the publication of Cannabis: the Evidence for Medical Use (known as the "Barnes Report"), is the Minister considering any changes to the Island's current drugs policy?
  14. 4th July 2017 – Pharmaceutical crops grown in Jersey
    Oral Question by Deputy Carolyn Labey asking the Minister for the Environment:
    • Given that work has previously been undertaken on advancing the concept of pharmaceutical crops being grown in Jersey, will the Minister explain if this matter is still being researched and, if so, whether any progress has been made in this respect?
  15. 18th July 2017 – People attending the Drug and Alcohol Service
    Written Question tabled by Deputy Mike Higgins asking the Minister for Home and Social Services:
    • Will the Minister advise Members:
      1. how many people attending the Drug and Alcohol Service are addicted to opiates;
      2. how many of those people are being treated with Methadone;
      3. how many people who need Methadone are not being given the drug due to insufficient funds allocated for dealing this form of addiction; and
      4. how many people are addicted to other drugs, identifying what those drugs are and the treatment offered in each case?
  16. 11th December 2017 – Arrangements for the prescription of certain medicinal cannabis products
    Oral Question by Deputy Sam Mézec asking the Minister for Home and Social Services:
    • Further to the Minister's comments to the Assembly on 26th September 2017 that he hoped that arrangements to prescribe certain medicinal cannabis products would be in place "by the end of the year", will the Minister provide an update on this matter?
  17. 16th January 2018 – The prescription of approved medicinal cannabis products [WQ.9/2018]
    Written Question tabled by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • Will the Minister provide a list of approved medicinal cannabis products that he will make available in Jersey; and will he also confirm that existing products such as 'Sativex', and any new products, will be made available on free prescription where prescribed by a G.P. or from the General Hospital, and if not, why not?
  18. 16th January 2018 – The transportation of approved medicinal cannabis products to Jersey [WQ.10/2018]
    Written Question tabled by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • Specifically, what problems have been identified, if any, with the transportation of what will be approved medicinal cannabis products to Jersey, and has there been a delay in their transportation?
    • If there has been a delay, what steps have been taken to make sure these products can be brought to the Island without further delay?
    • What dialogue has taken place between the Minister and the Minister for Health and Social Services in this regard in the past two months?
  19. 16th January 2018 – The approval of cannabis products for medicinal use [OQ.12/2018]
    Oral Question by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • What cannabis products, if any, have been approved or shortlisted for approval for medicinal use and what criteria must a medicinal cannabis product meet in order to be put on the list?
  20. 30th January 2018 – Transportation of prescribed medicinal cannabis products [OQ 21/2018]
    Oral Question by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Home Affairs:
    • What provisions currently exist or will be made available for individuals with the relevant prescription to transport medicinal cannabis products in and out of Jersey?
  21. 20th February 2018 – Prescription of medicinal cannabis products [OQ.34/2018]
    Oral Question by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • Will G.P.s (general practitioners) be able to prescribe medicinal cannabis products to their patients; if so, when; and if not, why not?
  22. 26th June 2018 – Importation of medicinal cannabis [WQ.96/2018]
    Written Question tabled by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Home Affairs:
    • Will the Minister outline his understanding of the legal and practical barriers that currently exist within his portfolio for the importation of medicinal cannabis; and will he advise what steps, if any, have been taken to resolve these issues?
  23. 26th June 2018 – The re-scheduling of cannabis to allow for medicinal usage [OQ.80/2018]
    Oral Question by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • Has cannabis been taken off Schedule 1 (under Misuse of Drugs legislation) and put on to Schedule 2 to allow for medicinal usage; if not, will the Minister explain why not and state whether it is still the intention of the department to do so and what the timescale is for it to happen?
  24. 11th September 2018 – Medicinal use of Cannabis [WQ.145/2018]
    Written Question tabled by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • What is the Minister's assessment of the finding of 'Cannabis: The Evidence for Medical Use' (i.e. the Barnes Report) that "cannabis does have medicinal value and continuing placement of cannabis under Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Act, which thus states it is of no medicinal value, is inaccurate and misleading"; will he undertake to re-visit the scheduling of cannabis under Jersey law; if not, will he explain why not; and, if so, will he state when cannabis will be removed from Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs (Jersey) Law 1978?
  25. 25th September 2018 – Date on which the Legislative Drafting Office was given the instructions to amend the Misuse of Drugs (Jersey) Law 1978 to reflect the reclassification of Bedrocan and Tilray medication [OQ.131/2018]
    Oral Question by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • Will the Minister provide the date on which the Legislative Drafting Officer was given the instruction to amend the Misuse of Drugs (Jersey) Law 1978 to reflect the reclassification of Bedrocan and Tilray medication?
  26. 23rd October 2018 – Content of THC in CBD oil [WQ.203/2018]
    Written Question tabled by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Home Affairs:
    • Will the Minister state what content of tetrahydrocannabinol(T.H.C.) is legally allowed in so-called 'C.B.D. oil' (Cannabidiol) which is sold over the counter as a health supplement in Jersey; and advise what testing, if any, is done to ascertain that such imported products do not contain levels of T.H.C. that exceed the legal limit?
  27. 23rd October 2018 – Visitors bringing THC based medication into the Island [WQ.204/2018]
    Written Question tabled by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Attorney General:
    • What legal provisions, if any, are in place to deal with a visitor from a jurisdiction which allows tetrahydrocannabinol (T.H.C.)-based medication, and who has been prescribed such medication, to bring it into the Island?
  28. 15th January 2019 – Continued employment of a Pain Consultant following comments made to the media regarding the use of medicinal cannabis [OQ.15/2019]
    Oral Question by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • Further to comments made to the media by a leading pain consultant reported on 19th November 2018 regarding the use of medicinal cannabis, is it the Minister's assessment that consultants who indicate they will not act in accordance with the decisions of the States Assembly should remain in the employment of the States of Jersey?
  29. 12th February 2019 – Prescription of medicinal cannabis products [WQ.82/2019]
    Written Question tabled by Senator Sarah Ferguson asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • In light of the agreement that medicinal cannabis products may be prescribed, will the Minister advise –
      1. whether any G.P.s are still unwilling to prescribe such products and, if so, will he undertake to confirm whether this is due to a lack of knowledge, education, support from his Department, or cultural resistance from more senior colleagues;
      2. whether any pharmacies are unwilling to supply such products and, if so, whether it is due to any lack of clarity or specificity regarding the products made available which thereby renders such products subject to costs on the private tariff; and
      3. if there are such G.P.s or pharmacies, what he is going to do to deliver on the agreement that such products may be prescribed; and
    • will the Minister explain whether any pharmacies have not yet moved the drug Sativex from the private list of products to the free prescription list and, if there are such pharmacies, why that is the case?
  30. 12th March 2019 – Hemp-growing contract at Warwick Farm [OQ.59/2019]
    Oral Question by Deputy Russell Labey asking the Minister for Infrastructure:
    • Has the hemp-growing contract in respect of Warwick Farm been extended from 9 years and, if so, what break clause applies to the contract?
  31. 26th March 2019 – Steps to be taken by the Government of Jersey to make medicinal cannabis accessible by Jersey patients [OQ.93/2019]
    Oral Question by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Chief Minister:
    • Given his recent public comments in support of developing a medicinal cannabis industry in the Island, what steps, if any, will the Chief Minister take to ensure that his Government makes medicinal cannabis accessible to Jersey patients in the near future?
  32. 21st May 2019 – Customs and Immigrations checks undertaken on journeys from St. Malo to Jersey [OQ.132/2019]
    Oral Question by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Home Affairs:
    • Will the Minister advise whether baggage checks for cannabis, or other illegal drugs, are carried out, as a matter of course, in St. Malo for passengers to Jersey, including foot passengers; and if not, at which point in a standard journey Customs officers undertake such checks?
  33. 16th July 2019 – Support for carbon drawdown into the soil [WQ.314/2019]
    Oral Question by Deputy Rob Ward asking the Minister for the Environment:
    • What actions, if any, is being taken to support carbon drawdown into the soil in Jersey, particularly in respect of the work being undertaken by Jersey Hemp and in relation to the recycling of carbon and nutrients from waste food as an alternative to incineration?
  34. 21st January 2020 – Prescription of medicinal cannabis products [WQ.2/2020]
    Written Question tabled by Deputy Jeremy Maçon asking the Minister for Economic Development:
    • Will the Minister explain what process must be followed in order for an individual to obtain a licence for the growing and possessing of medicinal cannabis and will he ensure that information about the process will be made publicly available, as is the case in Guernsey?
  35. 4th February 2020 – Approved cannabis medication [OQ.46/2020]
    Oral Question by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • Where a Jersey patient has obtained a prescription for Good Manufacturing Processes (G.M.P.) approved cannabis medication, including from a prescriber outside the Island, what methods are available to that individual to obtain the prescribed medication; and where it is unavailable in Jersey, is the patient allowed to import it themselves?
  36. 8th February 2021 – Jersey Cannabis Agency [WQ.28/2021]
    Written Question by Constable Karen Shenton-Stone asking the Minister for Economic Development:
    • Will the Minister provide the following information on the Jersey Cannabis Agency and the Jersey Cannabis Services Advisory Group –
      1. their respective terms of reference;
      2. details of any annual funding provided by the Government of Jersey;
      3. when and where any information on both the Agency and the Advisory Group will be made public online; and
      4. details of membership, where possible, including any Ministerial responsibilities that may have been assigned?
  37. 8th February 2021 – Environmental Impact Assessments [WQ.29/2021]
    Written Question by Constable Karen Shenton-Stone asking the Minister for the Environment:
    • Will the Minister explain whether Environmental Impact Assessments were undertaken on sites used, or intended to be used, by firms that have recently been awarded licences for the commercial cultivation of medicinal cannabis; and will he state whether the results of any such assessments will be made publicly available?
  38. 8th February 2021 – Taxation of medicinal cannabis and growing sites [WQ.35/2021]
    Written Question by Constable Karen Shenton-Stone asking the Treasury Minister:
    • Further to undertakings made in the Government Plan 2021-2024, will the Minister -
      1. provide the Assembly with an update on the progress, if any, that has been made in respect of proposals for a scheme to tax the growing and processing of medicinal cannabis;
      2. advise, in particular, whether any tax incurred by people on the profits made from the growing and processing of medicinal cannabis will be separate from, or additional to, any other tax paid by these people; and
      3. advise whether any tax levied on the growing and production of medicinal cannabis will be at the full standard rate without set off?
  39. 9th February 2021 – Position of capital allowances in relation to the growing and processing of medical cannabis [OQ.25/2021]
    Oral Question by Constable Karen Shenton-Stone asking the Minister for Economic Development:
    • Has the Minister considered the position of capital allowances on the large infrastructure costs, interest payments, related party fees and other mechanisms used to reduce the potential taxable profits arising from the growing and processing of medicinal cannabis; and will he state whether this will be fully addressed prior to any draft regulations being proposed?
  40. 9th February 2021 – Sites that had been identified as suitable for the growing and processing of medical cannabis [OQ.44/2021]
    Oral Question by Constable Karen Shenton-Stone asking the Minister for the Environment:
    • In light of recently submitted development plans, will the Minister publish a list of sites that have been identified as suitable for the growing and production of medicinal cannabis and explain what additional information was requested in relation to these sites; and will he explain what consideration has been given, in relation to these plans, to the potential for increased activity and the impact on neighbours and on the countryside?
  41. 22nd March 2021 – Firms awarded licenses for medicinal cannabis production [WQ.120/2021]
    Written Question by Constable Karen Shenton-Stone asking the Treasury Minister:
    • In relation to firms awarded licences for the production of medicinal cannabis in Jersey, will the Minister advise members –
      1. whether inspections have been carried out on the facilities to ensure they are compliant with the European Union’s Good Manufacturing Practice (G.M.P.) certification and its relevant regulations; and if not, why not;
      2. what regulations, if any, are in place to prevent rogue cross-pollination of hemp and cannabis crops in the Island (for example, by adequate sealing of greenhouses);
      3. what regulations, if any, are in place to ensure that the recirculation systems in such facilities are sufficiently robust to prevent any water run-off entering the Island’s reservoirs; and
      4. what measures, if any, are in place for monitoring the destruction of hemp and medicinal cannabis crops that are damaged (for example, by mould) so that they do not contain psychoactive cannabinoids such as T.H.C.; and how any such measures are to be enforced?
  42. 22nd March 2021 – Tax breaks for medicinal cannabis production [WQ.121/2021]
    Written Question by Constable Karen Shenton-Stone asking the Treasury Minister:
    • Will the Minister advise –
      1. what tax breaks or similar mechanisms, if any, the Government is considering giving to firms awarded licences for the production of medicinal cannabis; and
      2. whether it is planned that any such tax breaks would remain in place until capital expenditure incurred by the relevant site is recovered?
  43. 28th June 2021 – Approval of EIA process for Cannabis licenses [WQ.317/2021]
    Written Question by Constable Karen Shenton-Stone asking the Minister for the Environment:
    • With reference to Written Question 29/2021 will the Minister advise –
      1. whether criteria required to be met for the granting of licences for commercial cultivation of medicinal cannabis will be published, including the use of Environmental Impact Assessments (E.I.A.s);
      2. how many E.I.A.s have been carried out to date for this purpose, if any, and how many are scheduled to be undertaken before 31st December 2021;
      3. on what date, and by whom, the decision was taken to include the requirement to undertake an E.I.A. in order to receive a licence and, if this occurred prior to 8th February 2021, why this was not communicated in the answer to Written Question 29/2021;
      4. what consideration was given to the use of E.I.A.s in the licensing process prior to 11th January 2021, and what relevant policies and criteria, if any, relating to this subject were agreed prior to that date; and
      5. if the use of E.I.A.s was agreed after 11th January 2021, whether licenses for the commercial cultivation of medicinal cannabis were suspended until an E.I.A. had been carried out?
  44. 28th June 2021 – Cannabis licenses EIAs [WQ.318/2021]
    Written Question by Constable Karen Shenton-Stone asking the Minister for the Environment:
    • Will the Minister advise –
      1. whether Environmental Impact Assessments (E.I.A.s) required to be undertaken for the granting of commercial cannabis cultivation licences take into account the material change of use, or operational development, of the land used to cultivate medicinal cannabis on a commercial scale;
      2. what consideration, if any, has been given within such E.I.A.s to the impact of noise, smell and transport on the surrounding area; and
      3. how firms awarded licences following the successful completion of such E.I.A.s are monitored to ensure that they continue to comply with the findings of the E.I.A., and whether further E.I.A.s are due to be required whilst medicinal cannabis is subsequently being commercially cultivated?
  45. 28th June 2021 – Cannabis licensing conditions [WQ.319/2021]
    Written Question by Constable Karen Shenton-Stone asking the Minister for Economic Development:
    • With regards to the licensing conditions associated with the cultivation and processing of medicinal cannabis on Island, will the Minister advise –
      1. what consideration has been given to the use of increased public consultation for Islanders living near selected sites for the cultivation of medicinal cannabis;
      2. what steps will be taken by the Government of Jersey, whether individually or in conjunction with organisations involved in the commercial cultivation of medicinal cannabis, to alleviate the concerns of Islanders in close proximity to these sites; and
      3. what guidance has been sought by the Government of Jersey from the U.K.’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs regarding the use of Environmental Impact Assessments as a condition of licensing?
  46. 12th July 2021 – Cultivation of medicinal cannabis [WQ.325/2021]
    Written Question by Constable Karen Shenton-Stone asking the Chief Minister:
    • In relation to medicinal cannabis, will the Chief Minister explain –
      1. how cross-departmental activity relating to the cultivation of medicinal cannabis is currently co-ordinated by Ministers across the Government; and
      2. whether any consideration has been given to establishing a Political Oversight Group to coordinate the licensing of medicinal cannabis and the development of policy and guidelines concerning its cultivation and, if so, why no such Group has been established?
  47. 12th July 2021 – Security fencing [WQ.326/2021]
    Written Question by Constable Karen Shenton-Stone asking the Minister for Economic Development:
    • Will the Minister –
      1. provide the minimum dimensions of the security fencing required at sites to be used for the cultivation of medicinal cannabis; and
      2. state how these dimensions are monitored in the regulation of organisations cultivating medicinal cannabis?
  48. 19th July 2021 – Development of sites for cannabis production [OQ.179/2021]
    Oral Question by Constable Karen Shenton-Stone asking the Minister for the Environment:
    • What concerns, if any, have been expressed to the Minister regarding the development of sites for cannabis production and possible non-compliance with planning legislation and what investigation, if any, will he undertake to confirm that the legislation is being adhered to and will he commit to serving stop notices on any such development or planning application in the event that non-compliance is identified?
  49. 23rd November 2021 – Effect of the industrial cultivation of cannabis on biodiversity [OQ.233/2021]
    Oral Question by Deputy Rob Ward asking the Minister for Economic Development:
    • Will the Minister advise what impact assessment, if any, has been undertaken of the effect of the industrial growing of cannabis in Jersey on biodiversity?
  50. 23rd November 2021 – Northern Leaf and Tamba Park applications [OQ.242/2021]
    Oral Question by Deputy Mike Higgins asking the Minister for the Environment:
    • Will the Minister explain how his department has applied planning legislation to developments relating to Northern Leaf and Tamba Park and advise whether any instances of the legislation not being applied or followed have been identified? If so, will he state how and why those instances occurred?
  51. 18th January 2022 – Planning and Building General Development [OQ.7/2022]
    Oral Question by Deputy Mike Higgins asking the Minister for the Environment:
    • Further to his response to Oral Question 242/2021, will the Minister explain why he is proposing to make changes to the Planning and Building (General Development) (Jersey) Order 2011, especially with regard to the growing of medicinal cannabis?
  52. 7th February 2022 – Cannabis production firms [WQ.35/2022]
    Written Question by Deputy Mike Higgins asking the Chief Minister:
    • Will the Chief Minister advise whether, during proceedings and deliberations of the Government, any Minister or Assistant Minister has declared as an interest that they hold investments in any of the existing or proposed cannabis production firms in the Island, or by indirect means such as owning land on which cannabis will be grown or processed; and, if such declarations have taken place, will the Chief Minister state when and by whom they were made?
  53. 28th February 2022 – Planning Laws [WQ.69/2022]
    Written Question by Deputy Mike Higgins asking the Attorney General:
    • Will H.M. Attorney General state whether, within Jersey’s planning legislation, there is a legal distinction in planning requirements between those that apply to the growing of hemp or cannabis on a site (such as for agricultural use) and those that apply to the processing of the same crops on the site (namely for industrial use) and, furthermore, whether there is any legal distinction in the applications and permissions that need to be made and obtained for these two uses?
  54. 26th April 2022 – Medicinal Cannabis [WQ.139/2022]
    Written Question by Deputy Montfort Tadier asking the Minister for Social Security:
    • Will the Minister state what work, if any, is being undertaken to understand the ability or otherwise of patients who are prescribed medicinal cannabis to meet the costs of their medication (including G.S.T.); and will she explain what steps are being considered, if any, to make prescribed medicinal cannabis products free to patients?
  55. 26th April 2022 – Size and changes to industries [WQ.145/2022]
    Written Question by Deputy Mike Higgins asking the Minister for Economic Development:
    • For each of the last four years, in respect of the following industries, will the Minister provide details of the recorded size and any changes to each industry, the financial contribution of each industry to the Island's economy and the type and amount of Government aid, if any, provided to each industry –
      1. dairy;
      2. potato-growing;
      3. medicinal cannabis;
      4. fishing;
      5. aquaculture; and
      6. the rest of the agriculture industry?
  56. 3rd October 2022 – 5 Years for possession of cannabis [WQ.192/2022]
    Written Question by Deputy Sam Mézec asking the Minister for Home Affairs:
    • Will the Minister advise –
      1. how many prosecutions there have been for possession of cannabis over the last 5 years, and the financial cost to the States of Jersey Police of processing these cases; and
      2. what sentences were imposed in respect of these prosecutions; and what the financial cost was of administering these sentences?
  57. 17th October 2022 – Current policy on stop and search for children [WQ.209/2022]
    Written Question by Deputy Rob Ward asking the Minister for Home Affairs:
    • Will the Minister advise what the current policy on stop-and-search is in relation to children under the age of 18, and will she further advise –
      1. what records, if any, are kept of young people being stopped and searched who are under the age of 18; and
      2. how many children under the age of 18 have been stopped and searched in the last year?
  58. 22nd May 2023 – Cultivation of cannabis [WQ.208/2023]
    Written Question by Deputy Philip Bailhache asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • Will the Minister explain, given the Government's expressed commitment to openness and transparency, why she is unwilling to release to Members, and to the public at large, a copy of the current Memorandum of Understanding between the Home Office and the Minister for Health and Social Services in relation to the cultivation of cannabis?
  59. 12th June 2023 – Medical use of cannabis [WQ.261/2023]
    Written Question by Deputy Rob Ward asking the Minister for Economic Development:
    • In light of comments made at a recent public hearing, at which the Minister stated that developments in the cannabis industry in Jersey have been overseen by the Economic Development Unit, and that “Jersey’s reputation is pinned to the mast of high regulation and high quality”, will the Minister explain what regulation exists in Jersey to control the medical use of cannabis, and how such regulation reflects the World Health Organisation (WHO) approach to the regulation of cannabis as a medicine?
  60. 19th June 2023 – Substance use strategy report [WQ.279/2023]
    Written Question by Deputy Carina Alves asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • Will the Minister advise when the Substance Use Strategy Report will be published?
  61. 16th January 2024 – Medicinal Cannabis industry advisory group [OQ.9/2024]
    Oral Question by Deputy Moz Scott asking the Minister for Economic Development:
    • Will the Minister advise whether his department has, within the last 2 months, contacted any businesses in the Island with an interest in the medicinal cannabis industry with a view to forming a consultative group for policy development in this area; and if so, what mechanisms are being used by his department to ensure that all businesses in the Island with such an interest are contacted and are fairly represented?
  62. 11th March 2024 – The synthetic cannabinoid, 5F-MDMB-PICA [WQ.65/2024]
    Written Question by Deputy Tom Coles asking the Attorney General:
    • Will H.M. Attorney General state whether the synthetic cannabinoid 5F-MDMB-PICA is a controlled drug under the Misuse of Drugs (Jersey) Law 1978; and will he provide details of the 2 offences recorded in relation to this substance in the response to the Freedom of Information request entitled 'Drug convictions in 2022 and 2017 to 2021' that was published in December 2023?
  63. 11th March 2024 – New psychoactive substances [WQ.66/2024]
    Written Question by Deputy Tom Coles asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • Will the Minister state the total number of new psychoactive substances that have been added to the Misuse of Drugs (Jersey) Law 1978 since 2016?
  64. 19th March 2024 – Substance use policy [OQ.45/2024]
    Oral Question by Deputy Inna Gardiner asking the Minister for Home Affairs:
    • Will the Minister advise whether she plans to propose an in-committee debate regarding Substance Use policy; and if she has no such plans, why not?
  65. 9th April 2024 – Amount of cannabis seizures [WQ.124/2024]
    Written Question by Deputy Tom Coles asking the Minister for Home Affairs:
    • Will the Minister provide details of the monthly number of cannabis seizures, and quantity of drugs detained, for the last 5 years?
  66. 9th April 2024 – Legislation necessary to regulate and inspect cannabis clinics in Jersey [WQ.126/2024]
    Written Question by Deputy Karen Wilson asking the Minister for the Environment:
    • Further to his recent statement in the Jersey Evening Post and the release of the audit of prescribed medicinal cannabis, will the Minister –
      1. indicate the timescale for bringing forward the "legislation necessary to regulate and inspect cannabis clinics in Jersey’;"
      2. commit, in coordination with the Minister for Health and Social Services, to making the full audit findings public; and
      3. state the number of General Practices on the Island purchased by Medicinal Cannabis businesses; and if not, will he explain why not and undertake measures to obtain this information?
  67. 29th April 2024 – Cannabis drug testing [WQ.158/2024]
    Written Question by Deputy Karen Wilson asking the Chief Minister:
    • Following the announcement that 6.08% of the Island’s working age population was being prescribed cannabis-based products for medicinal use, will the Chief Minister advise what consideration, if any, is being given to compulsory drug testing of certain professions (such as doctors, teachers, police officers, ambulance drivers and heavy goods drivers), and if not, why not?
  68. 15th May 2024 – Cannabis cultivation licenses refused [WQ.175/2024]
    Written Question by Deputy Tom Coles asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • Will the Minister advise how many licences for the cultivation of cannabis have been refused, and how many, if any, have been issued following a review?
  69. 15th May 2024 – Criminal offences by individuals under 18 years reported [WQ.185/2024]
    Written Question by Deputy David Warr asking the Minister for Home Affairs:
    • Will the Minister provide the annual number of criminal offences by those under the age of 18 that were reported to the States of Jersey police during the period of 2018 to 2023; and will she provide a breakdown of the types of offences reported?
  70. 23rd September 2024 – Strategy for the cannabis industry [WQ.288/2024]
    Written Question by Deputy Hilary Jeune asking the Minister for Economic Development:
    • In respect of Jersey’s Cannabis Industry (‘the Industry’), will the Minister advise –
      1. what plans, if any, exist to develop a strategy for the Industry;
      2. the annual amount of funding, if any, allocated to and spent on supporting the Industry since 2022 and the amount proposed for 2025;
      3. the estimated annual revenue of the Industry to the Island since 2022 to date;
      4. what key benefits to the Island were agreed by the Government when the development of the Industry started, and what evidence the Government holds that these benefits are being delivered;
      5. what aspects of the Industry, in terms of policy and legislation, fall under the remit of other Ministers; and
      6. how much Cannabis is grown in Jersey, how much, if any, of it is prescribed locally and how much is exported?
  71. 11th November 2024 – Drug testing for public servants [WQ.402/2024]
    Written Question by Deputy Karen Wilson asking the Chair of the States Employment Board:
    • Further to Written Question 158/2024, regarding drug testing for public servants, will the Chair advise –
      1. what progress, if any, has been made since April 2024 on relevant policies or legislation to introduce drug-testing;
      2. how any intended changes in the policy will be funded and when will this funding be delivered; and
      3. what actions, if any, will the States Employment Board undertake to ensure health services, education, and other public services are delivered in a drug-free environment by drug-free professionals; and if it is not going to undertake any actions, why not?
  72. 12th November 2024 – Prescribing of medicinal cannabis [OQ.204/2024]
    Oral Question by Deputy Philip Ozouf asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • Will the Minister state the number of prescriptions of medicinal cannabis to date and indicate the primary medical conditions for which they have been prescribed; and advise what consequences have been reported, if any, relating to prescribed medicinal cannabis?
  73. 25th November 2024 – Tax take from the cannabis sector [OQ.233/2024]
    Oral Question by Deputy Philip Ozouf asking the Treasury Minister:
    • Will the Minister advise how much tax revenue has been received to date from the Island’s cannabis sector, and whether she has considered any increase to the tax regime for medicinal cannabis providers, and if not, why not?
  74. 17th February 2025 – Jersey's medicines regulatory system [WQ.39/2025]
    Written Question by Deputy Hilary Jeune asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • In relation to Jersey's regulatory system for medicines, will the Minister detail –
      1. the maturity level of the system as assessed against World Health Organization (WHO) standards;
      2. how the system compares to global benchmarks for regulatory systems; and
      3. any reports on, or evaluations of, Jersey's system, including any references to WHO's Global Benchmarking Tool (GBT)?
  75. 17th February 2025 – Any medicines manufactured in Jersey [WQ.46/2025]
    Written Question by Deputy Inna Gardiner asking the Minister for Health and Social Services:
    • In relation to medicines manufactured in Jersey, including vitamins and medicinal cannabis products, will the Minister –
      1. list the products produced;
      2. provide a list of manufacturers;
      3. advise whether distribution of these products is permitted in the Island and/or outside of Jersey; and
      4. detail the regulatory framework(s) that apply?

Briefing Papers on Cannabis

Scrutiny of Cannabis Policy

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  • 19th October 2022 – Jersey Youth Parliament Mental Health Reform Campaign Group Final Report

    "Update the Jersey PSHE curriculum to include better knowledge of mental health and wellbeing."

  • 1st December 2022 – Response of the Minister for Children and Education

    "Given the reported range in the quality and priority given to PSHE provision across the Island, we recommend the GoJ offer guidance to ensure consistent good practice across all schools. The approach to this might include:

    • Convening a task and finish group to lead this work made up of a range of relevant professionals, including relevant professionals from CYPES and schools;
    • Drawing on existing good practice in Jersey schools;
    • Drawing on guidance from the PSHE association, including resources and material that can be used to develop a suitable PSHE program;
    • Considering external PSHE packages available to purchase, for example Jigsaw PSHE which several schools in Jersey are already using.

    The group would identify a core set of PSHE subject areas in relation to mental health and wellbeing and key messages, themes and learning outcomes, and signpost to relevant materials and content. The group would also articulate good practice expectations for Jersey schools in relation to PSHE and the capabilities needed for PSHE delivery staff. Appropriate training should be developed and provided as required. An alternative approach could be a mental health and wellbeing PSHE programme based on AFC resources available free on the website and supported by a Jersey specific training programme."

e-Petitions Relating to Cannabis

  1. 21st May 2013 – Legalise Cannabis Medicinally in Jersey, Channel Islands
    "I already have petitions going around in a paper form for the people in jersey who are willing to sign it but thought this would be more appropriate for the people who I haven't contacted as of yet. Feel free to share this link with friends and let people know about it as we need as many signatures as possible and also like the Facebook page Jersey Legalise Cannabis Alliance. I have been present in the Jersey Evening Post (JEP) a couple of times talking about why I would like this to happen and to be considered. I am also at the moment arranging a march to hopefully happen in July 2013. Thank You."
    104 supporters
  2. 2nd February 2014 – Decriminalise the possession of small amounts of Cannabis for medicinal and recreational use
    "We call on you, The States Of Jersey, to allow possession of small amounts of Cannabis both for medicinal use, for those people suffering who desperately need it, and recreational use, to stop normal otherwise law abiding citizens gaining criminal records which can ruin their lives far more than Cannabis is ever likely to."
    848 supporters
  3. 17th July 2014 – To grant permission for the medicinal use of cannabis for those suffering with chronic pain
    "Many individuals in Jersey live with chronic conditions with a requirement for pain management. For many, conventional medication does not work. Often, the side-effects themselves are debilitating. We, the signers of the petition, request Jersey's government to recognize that cannabinoid products are an effective way for some sufferers to manage symptoms and alleviate pain. If a doctor is happy to prescribe, we ask the minister not to stand in the way, but to grant the relevant licenses, as she can do within her powers."
    362 supporters
  4. 19th January 2015 – Legalize Marijuana and Hemp in the Channel Islands
    "The reason for this petition is so we can get as many signatures as we can from Channel Islanders so I can then present this to our Deputies who make our laws, so this can be reviewed and changed. So we can come up with a new strategy that will benefit both parties."
    2,104 supporters
  5. 28th September 2016 – Legalise medicinal cannabis in Jersey, Channel Islands
    "This petition is dedicated to getting the states of Jersey to legalise cannabis, at the very least it should be legalised for medical purposes so as not to punish those in need."
    3,985 supporters
  6. 7th August 2018 – Remove cannabis from Schedule One & not just the States/MDAC approved products
    "All medical professionals with the right to prescribe should be permitted to prescribe cannabis, cannabis derivatives, individual cannabinoids and pharmaceutically created cannabis derived products including Dronabinol, Epidiolex, Nabilone and Sativex AND allow all pharmacies to dispense the above."
    1,056 supporters
  7. 11th October 2018 – Allow medical professionals who can prescribe, the right to prescribe cannabis
    "All medical professionals with the right to prescribe should be permitted to prescribe cannabis, cannabis derivatives, individual cannabinoids and pharmaceutically created cannabis derived products including Dronabinol, Epidiolex, Nabilone and Sativex AND allow all pharmacies to dispense the above."
    558 supporters
  8. 26th June 2019 – Legalise cannabis, decriminalise it or make medicinal available
    "15 years ago I had a motorbike accident that left me paralysed from the chest down, I suffer on a daily basis in serious pain and bad spasticity. All I ask is for the natural cure for myself and others."
    307 supporters
  9. 3rd July 2019 – The States should initiate an Island-wide debate on drugs, exploring all options
    "Following a spate of recent drug importations that have been widely reported by the local media in Jersey this petition calls for an Island-wide debate on drug policy exploring all options, including cracking down further and harsher punishments, all the way to decriminalisation and legalisation."
    203 supporters
  10. 16th October 2020 – Not tax medicinal cannabis
    "The Government of Jersey is currently proposing the idea of taxing medicinal cannabis in order to relieve some debt that was caused from the COVID-19 pandemic. This is not fair for people with chronic pain issues as they would have to pay extra for their medication."
    231 supporters
  11. 17th March 2020 – Legalize, Decriminalize and regulate Cannabis for Islanders
    "There are many Islanders suffering from health issues that Cannabis has been proven to treat, there is a serious mental health issue and the majority of people who experience these issues use Cannabis to help, it will increase Islander's quality of life and turn a profit for the Island's economy."
    3,021 supporters
  12. 11th February 2022 – Allow prescribed medicinal cannabis users to grow their own
    "Now that cannabis is available on prescription it has no doubt benefited many like me. The costs of prescription cannabis products are extremely high and for those on lower incomes it is nigh on impossible to fund for any regular length of time. Growing your own would make this cost easier to bear."
    225 supporters
  13. 25th July 2022 – Provide funding for patients that need access to medicinal cannabis medication
    "Medical Marijuana was introduced to the island and has benefited many. On the other hand, a large number of the community cannot obtain medication unless they are financially capable. From experience, I cannot return to work without medication, but I can't return to earn the money to access it."
    115 supporters
  14. 24th May 2023 – Watchdog service for Medicinal cannabis on the island is needed
    "Medicinal cannabis clinics have opened in Jersey and offer varying services and inconsistent pricing. Jersey needs a watchdog in relation to these clinics to ensure that residents are receiving optimal care and I strongly urge the States to create one. The decriminalisation of cannabis would prevent these issues arising."
    184 supporters
  15. 28th June 2024 – Reconsider decision on decriminalizing cannabis and hold another vote
    "States of Jersey to reconsider their decision on decriminalizing cannabis and hold another vote. On June 26th, 2024, the States of Jersey narrowly rejected a proposal to decriminalize cannabis. Many residents believe the current cannabis laws are unfair and a more progressive approach is needed."
    474 supporters